뉴저지온누리교회 파트교역자(교육전도사) 청빙


뉴저지온누리교회 파트교역자(교육전도사) 청빙

뉴저지온누리교회 0 2023.03.31 13:41

뉴저지 온누리교회 교역자 청빙


뉴저지 온누리교회에서 파트교역자(교육전도사)를 청빙합니다.

1. 모집부서:    차세대 유아부 (2-4), 중고등부



2. 자격              1) 유아부: M.Div 졸업 혹은 재학생 또는 학부나 대학원에서 기독교 교육
전공자 (한국어로 사역)

2) 중고등부: M.Div 졸업 혹은 재학생  (영어로 사역)

3) 미국 시민권자 또는 영주권자



3. 제출서류     1)    이력서 및 자기소개서

2)   최근 설교 동영상2 (영상파일 또는 링크)

3)    목회자 추천서 1 & 개인 추천서 1

4)  M.Div 재학 또는 졸업 증명서



4. 제출기한 :   2023 4 30

5. 제출처 문의 :   application@njonnuri.org



6. 청빙과정     1)    서류 심사

2)    면접 (인사위원회, 담임목사)



7. 기타            1) 제출된 서류는 청빙을 위한 목적으로만 사용되고 반환되지 않습니다.

     2) 교회 주소 및 웹사이트


New Jersey Onnuri Community Church | 뉴저지 온누리교회
 1449 Anderson Ave. Fort Lee NJ 07024 |

New Jersey Onnuri Community Church
Fort Lee, NJ

Two Part-Time positions open:

  1. Children’s ministry (2-4 yr olds)
  2. Youth group (Middle to high school)

Church Description

     NJ Onnuri Community Church is a non-denominational church planted by Onnuri Community Church of Korea (The Presbyterian Church of Korea). We are predominantly a Korean Church, with growing focus to support and grow our English speaking community. Our current congregation consists of 1000+ adults and 250+ children. Please visit our church website for additional information. (njonnuri.org)

Job Description

     Prepare and lead Sunday worship

     Preach weekly sermons

     In Korean for children’s ministry

     In English for youth group

     Organize yearly activities (Outings, Special Events, VBS, etc.)

     Work with Next Gen pastoral staff for Church/Next Gen events


     Master’s Degree in Theological Studies (M. Div), or currently working to achieve M.Div. degree at accredited seminary

     Bilingual in Korean/English (preferred)

     Strong verbal/written communication skills

     Heart to serve the children’s ministry. To care and nurture their faith. To help guide them in their walk of faith


     Part-Time: Negotiable based on experience

 Application Requirements
(Send your application to application@njonnuri.org)


     Cover Letter with brief introduction – 1 page max

     1 Ministry references, 1 Personal reference (name, relationship, phone number, email)

     2 Sermon samples (video or audio) – 10-15min. each



     April 30, 2023

For any questions or additional information, please email application@njonnuri.org

ⓒ 복음뉴스(BogEumNews.Com)


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